Thursday, April 7, 2011

Instructions on how to join the Samsung Smart TV contest

Reminder: The statement below may change without prior notice

The Samsung Smart TV contest was announced on April 1, 2011 in the University of the Philippines Malcom Hall. The Samsung team displayed and showed us a teaser video of the smart TV. Not only that, they displayed the real thing to us. It was a magnificent product and I could say that this is the most amazing TV that I saw.

Because of that, I want to share how can you also have a chance to win the Samsung Smart TV. First step is to like the page of Samsung TV PH. Just search it on the search bar in facebook and like it. After that, make a post on what can you do with the samsung smart tv if ever you won the contest. You can also hash tag it on twitter. It's that simple!

Yeah.. this is an update.
The contest will finish on the end of the month.
To search the right Samsung page. Please search "Samsung TV PH"
For the criteria. Please visit the info page of the Samsung TV PH page on Facebook.
Gob bless and good luck to all.